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Alleged Statement Sparks Outrage And Condemnation

The Nation


Netanyahu's Controversial "From the River to the Sea" Remark

Alleged Statement Sparks Outrage and Condemnation


In a televised address on January 22, 2023, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu allegedly stated, "From the river to the sea, it will all be Israel, and there will never be a Palestinian state." This remark, if accurate, would be a significant departure from previous Israeli policy and has drawn widespread criticism.

Alleged Remarks

During his address, Netanyahu reportedly said, "The land of Israel is the eternal homeland of the Jewish people. And like any other nation, we have the right to live in our own state, with our own government, and our own army." He added, "The time has come for us to claim our full inheritance. From the river to the sea, it will all be Israel."

Zionist Interpretation

Some Zionist groups have interpreted Netanyahu's alleged remarks as a call for the establishment of a Greater Israel that would encompass the entire land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. This interpretation has raised concerns among Palestinians and the international community, as it would effectively negate the two-state solution and Palestinian national aspirations.

Condemnation and Criticism

The alleged remarks have been met with widespread condemnation from Palestinian officials, Arab leaders, and the international community. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called the statement "a declaration of war" and urged the international community to intervene. The United Nations Security Council issued a statement expressing "deep concern" over the alleged remarks and urging Israel to "refrain from provocative rhetoric that could further escalate tensions."

Israeli Response

Israeli officials have downplayed the significance of Netanyahu's alleged remarks, claiming that they were taken out of context. They have emphasized that Israel remains committed to a two-state solution and that Netanyahu's comments do not reflect official Israeli policy.

Hamas Rejection

Hamas, the Islamist militant group that controls the Gaza Strip, has rejected any alternative to the "full and complete liberation" of Palestine. In its revised 2017 charter, Hamas states that "the liberation of Palestine will not be achieved through negotiations or concessions, but through armed resistance."


Prime Minister Netanyahu's alleged remarks have ignited a firestorm of controversy and raised serious concerns about the future of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While Israeli officials have attempted to downplay the significance of the statement, the international community remains vigilant and concerned about the implications of such rhetoric. The situation remains tense, and it is vital for all parties involved to engage in constructive dialogue and work towards a peaceful and just resolution.
